A downloadable game for Windows
Explore the spooky castle of ARSEHOLEVANIA as the whip-flailing and, for some reason, skateboarding hero Simon Belhawk!
Created as an entry for the Awful Summer Jam 2018 for the theme "Unnecessary Sequels", which means the game contains:
- Zero actual mechanical improvements over the original. Mostly it's just worse.
- A physics-enabled whip. Does this help the gameplay in any way? No. But is it cool? Also no.
- A skateboarding protagonist. It's the 90s and adding a skateboard is the easiest way to make things more extreme (I didn't want to make an animated walk cycle and needed an in-universe reason for the finicky platforming).
Note: I've never actually *played* any Castlevania games, though I have watched a stream of one for maybe 30 minutes, so any real knowledge I have of the game is probably through social osmosis.
Controls (Keyboard or Gamepad supported)
- Arrow Keys / DPAD / Left Stick - Move
- Space / Button 1 - Jump
- Down Arrow - Crouch or collect pickup
- Shift / Button 3 - Use whip
- Enter / Button 2 - Re-summon whip (it will get caught on things!)
- Control / Button 4 - Use secondary weapon
F8 and F9 - Adjust screen size (windowed mode)
F11 - Toggle fullscreen
- Re-summon your whip if it gets stuck on on platforms (it will get stuck). Your whip will re-summon automatically if it stretches too far.
- Holy water is most effective against bosses or stationary enemies
- Keep an eye out for keys to unlock doors! Keys are also dropped by bosses
Completion stats
Jam Length - 25 days (6 July - 31 July 2018)
- Development Length - ~7 days and 1 night
SFX Content packs used - All SFX have been composited from or modified from their original sources;
- Soniss GDC Game Audio Bundle #1 (2015) , alternative link here
- Soniss GDC Game Audio Bundle #2 (2016)
- Soniss GDC Game Audio Bundle #3 (2017)
- Sonniss GDC Game Audio Bundle #4 (2018)
- Universal Sound FX
Music created in Logic Pro.